PortChatRooms Documentation

Tools Used

Chat Platform

  • Public Rooms : Users of the platform have the option to create public rooms with specific age and gender restrictions. These restrictions ensure that only users who meet the specified criteria can join the room. Additionally, users can set a maximum limit on the number of members allowed in a public room. This feature enables users to have control over the room's capacity and maintain a desired level of interaction. Moreover, users also have the authority to remove members from a public room if necessary. This allows for the management of the room's environment and ensures a positive experience for all participants.

  • Private Rooms : Allows users to create their own exclusive spaces with the help of an invite code. By generating a unique code, users can share it with others who they wish to join the private room. In order to gain access, interested individuals can request to join by entering the invite code. However, it is important to note that the admin of the private room has the authority to accept or decline such requests. This ensures that only approved participants can join and maintain the privacy and exclusivity of the room. With this feature, users can enjoy a secure and controlled environment, fostering a sense of togetherness and confidentiality within their private circles.

  • The chat feature in our platform has some useful functionalities. Firstly, it includes timestamps on messages sent, allowing users to keep track of when each message was sent. Additionally, we have implemented a "seen by" feature using real-time technologies. This means that users can easily see who has read their messages, providing them with immediate feedback on the status of their communication. Lastly, we have added a "typing feature" that shows when a user is typing a message. This feature helps users to know when the other party is in the process of composing a response. With these features in place, our chat function provides a convenient and efficient way for users to communicate with each other.

  • To create a room, simply go to the homepage and click on the "Create Room" button. You will then be prompted to choose between a public or private room. After making your selection, fill in the necessary information and click on the "Create" button. This will create the room for you and make it accessible to others.

  • To join a room, go to the homepage and click on the "Join Room" button. From there, you can select the room you would like to join. If the room is public, you will be able to join as long as you meet the age and gender requirements. However, if the room is private, you will need to enter the invite code provided by the room owner. Once you have entered the invite code, you will need to wait for the room owner to confirm your request before you can join the room.

  • To use the chat feature, follow these steps. First, join a room. Once you are in the room, you can access the chat feature. To find the room you joined, go to the "Chats" section on the homepage. In this section, you will see a list of all the rooms you have joined, including both public and private ones. Choose the room you want to enter by clicking on it. This will take you to the chat feature. Now, you can type your message in the chat box and then click on the "Send" button to send it. You can also keep track of who has read your messages through the "seen by" feature. With this feature, you can stay updated on who has seen your messages.

Username : User1
Password : usera1b2
Username : User2
Password : usera2b1