Resala-System Documentation

Tools Used

A System to Organize & Save Data.

Resala system is built to :
  • Volunteers Management:

    • Manage volunteer profiles with essential information such as name, national ID, and date of joining. Track their involvement in camps and mini-camps.

  • Participation Tracking:

    • Record and track each volunteer's participation history by date.

  • Families Management:

    • Organize family profiles comprehensively:

      • Member details include age, relationship to the family, sex, education, and employment status (including job details and salary if employed).

      • Manage household information including devices and furniture.

      • Track health conditions of family members, ongoing treatments, and economic data like incomes and expenses.

  • Blood Donations:

    • Maintain a database of blood donations:

      • Store donor information such as name, national ID, and blood type (e.g., A+, B+).

      • Manage eligibility criteria for donors based on the last donation date (3 months for males, 4 months for females).